Rabu, 29 April 2015

Greener Grass

People said: The Grass is greener in other side.

I can say that this quote is not completed yet, the complete quote is "you may think the grass is greener on the other side. but if you take the time to water your own grass it would be just as green.

No matter what other have, we can always grateful for ours.

I can't deny that sometimes when my patners got some achivement, get bonus , promote to higher position or something that look "good", I felt so envy and thought why not me? why I did't got it too?
And I blame not only my self but God also.
It happened so often and made me underestimate myself and this enviness stumbled me to be happy.
After I thought a lot, then I decided not to envy with others grass. I can't deny that I can close my eyes to other grass, but I will alywas grateful with what I have, and try to water mine therefore it is as green as them or even greener in my eyes :D

If Iam not too busy to see or to envy other grass, I can spent my time to water mine, fertilize it with effort and grateful.
Envy will not bring me anywhere, it just cover my eyes from my grass potency.

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